Surprise, surprise! at the Gouin courthouse. The turncoat whose testimony is central to the Guy Dion and Marie-Josée Viau trial for murder was contacted by the mob! The lawyers are dumbfounded. The judge is surprised and rules that for the rest of the day (monday) the testimony will not touch this new matter. The evidence consists of many documents, mostly long and heavily redacted.(blanked out) and it appears that this matter of the mob's approach was not discussed in the visible portions of the documents. A new exercise of removing some of the blanks will obviously be nessessary. The turncoat (let's call him the infiltration agent) has provided the police with a weapons cache in Laval and crutial testimony against Dion and Viau. What else did he want in return? The prosecution of ladies who "raped" him and money, lots of money! at one point he was claiming 1,600,000 $. The police was providing him with an appartment (he moved 3 times because of rats and dogs) and was paying him a stipend for his food, clothes and his... medical cannabis! He was also expecting a car but he was provided with one only for a few months. He was driving fast and he was expecting the police to pay for his speeding tickets. After difficult negociations, he was awarded 450,000 $ : 250,000 $ when Dion and Viau were arrested, 100,000 $ one year later, and two payments of 50,000 $ when the testimonies will be over. He also asked repeatedly for a lawyer and a doctor or psychologist but he was never provided with those professionnals. The infiltration agent fell in love with a staff member of Carrefour Nouveau Monde. They shacked up together (first at the staff member's parents' place) and took a cruise to Greece. That is where he surprised her in the toilets with an other man.
In January 22 to 24, the infiltration agent is provided with a quiet office to write the story of his life, including all his crimes. He now claims that he was inapt at the time. He would like to add to his police payments the collection of some debts which are due to him (drug money? we will probably never know) 40,000 $ here and 160,000 $ there ; but the police prohibits him from making those claims. "I don't want to carry on with a meager 1,060 $ per month, I want shrimps in a nice decor, not hambergers and hot dogs" he tells us.
The climate is tense between the infiltration agent and senior police officers. "They are all fuckers! They forced me to wait for so long on my rape cases that now they are protected by prescription! But I got genital herpes! That is assault!" Those complaints are still being investigaated by the police and the judge asked not to talk about them.
The Dion Viau investigation was expected to last two months but lasted nine months. It appears that the accused did not like to talk about the Guiceppe and Vincenzo Falduto murders.
The trial continues today (tuesday).