Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Movie "Falling through the cracks : Greg's story"

Greg Price was an engineer who had an abnormal growth in his scrotum.  Later, he experiences an occasional pain in his back.  After a number of examinations, he gets operated for testicular cancer and he has concerns over an abnormal mass near his vena cava in his back.  He dies 3 days after his testicular surgery while he was home.  The movie's website is :  gregswings.ca
What are the new trends in medecine?
Clinics and hospitals can no longer afford staff who answer the phone of the first ring and pamper clients.  The carnet sante Quebec allows a faster path for information.  e-consult gives to doctors an efficient and fast access to specialists without going through a referral (which would mean a new appointment a new file and a new exam...).
What can we dream about for the future?
Maybe mobile tomography equipment for X-rays and scans...

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