Saturday, September 5, 2020

Preston Lockhead's murder is forgotten

 Nine years ago, Preston Lockhead and his roommate Jimmy Dean welcomed two foreiners who claimed that their truck had broken down. They claim to be Americans but speak Russian.  They insist on keeping their ID papers with them.  When Jimmy Dean woke up, the strangers were gone and Preston Lockhead was dead, with obvious signs of violence.  Dr. Evan Matches' autopsy report concludes he died of a heart condition.  The police and the justice ministry abandon the cause, to the surprise of the widow, Sally Wheeler.  Two years later, a review of the autopsy by 3 pathologists concludes he was strangled. The justice ministry was informed of the new report but it appears they never sent a copy to the police.  A review of 14 cases by the Alberta college of physicians and surgeons concludes that 13 conclusions were unreasonable!

Dr. Matches has moved to Alberquerque and he is suing the Alberta for 30,000,000 $.  The link for more details is:

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