Sunday, December 19, 2021

Death of Dr. Aaron Beck

 There are a lot of psychiatric therapies, like role-playing, Gestalt, psychoanalysis, group therapies, art therapy, music therapies, hypnosis, primal cry.  But the most used today is probably cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT).  Its effectiveness has been demonstrated for a wide array of psychiatric problems.  The american founder of CBT has passed away.

In the 1950s, he follows Freud, like most psychiatrists of the time.  But in 1961, he rejects psychoanalysis.  He notices that patients have negative thoughts on self, the future or the world around them.  He works with patients to demonstrate those thoughts are mostly falacies.  He wrote more than 600 scientific papers; he launched "Cognitive Therapy and Research" a refereed publication: and he participated to the writing of 25 books.  He is also known for the Beck scales, used to measure depression, affliction, anxiety, OCD, and youth troubles.  He founded the Beck Institute with his daughter Judith who is a psychologist.  

Aaron Beck (Providence, Rhode Island 18-07-1921 / Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1-11-2021)

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