Friday, February 25, 2022

biblical commandments, up-to-date

 The commandments, as explained in Deuteronomy, chapter 5 are extracted here from the "good news Bible"

Worship no god but me.

Obey my instructions and do not be swayed by hoarding money or participate in sects.

Do not make for yourselves images of anything in heaven. 

Restect church property especially images of godliness.

Do not bow down to any idol or worship it 

Remember that you are serving God, abide by my instructions which will keep you away from worshiping your Mercedes or a bribe oor similar object

Do not use my name for any evil purposes

Swearing is to be averted

Observe the sabbath, and keep it holy

Rest weekly

Respect your father and your mother

Help them in their old age.

Do not commit murder

Respect life

Do not commit adultery

Have a responsible sex life

Do not steal

Respect other's and public property.  Respect copyright.  Stay away from shady dealings.  Do not claim more than is due to you.  Pay your taxes.  Accept expropriations because railways, pipelines, canals and power lines are important to the public good.  Drive safely and keep your licence palte cleen.

Do not accuse anyone falsely

Stick to the truth and your opinion will be respected.

Do not desire another man's wife, do not desire his house, his land, his slaves, his cattle or anything else that he owns.  

jealous people are sad.  We are not on earth to be served but to serve.

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