Friday, December 25, 2020

Gender identity and common sense

 New laws are being debated outlawing "conversion therapy".  It turns out that a growing number of  children would prefer to be assigned to the other sex.  They can find support in gender clinics - there are 50 of them in the United States.  Three quarters of them are girls who want to live as boys.  

Federal bill C-6 and Quebec provincial bill PL-70 criminalize giving advice to teens who want to take puberty blockers or hormones.  

Sex is determined when the sperm cell enters the egg and the distinction between girs and boys is a full chromosome which is present in every cell.  

Gender blending is not limited to locker rooms.  8 male federal prisoners  were transfered to female prisons because they said they identified as women!

For further reading, go to  and   and  

I call for the removal of C-6 and PL-70 which threatens dortors and therapists with a five year prison terms for acting according to their convictions and common sense!

Melvis Owen dies of Covid-19 in prison

 The coronavirus has invaded Manitoba's prisons.  Headingley has reported 251 cases but 95% cured and Stony Mountain prison reports 236 cases with only 50% cured.  In Ontario, Joyceville reports 83 cases within its walls and several sick prisoners who were transfered to other prisons.  Visits are suspended in most prisons.

Man overboard!

 Master sailor Duane Earle is missing from his boat.  He probably fell in the Pacific ocean.  His boat, the HMCS Winnipeg, is in service since 1966 with a total crew of 230.  Military authorities are investigating.  It is the ninth accidental death in Canda's armed forces this year.

Death of Claude Castonguay

 He is widely recognized as the founder of Quebec's health insurance scheme.  He also participated to Quebec's public pension plan, the law regulating professions, and Quebec's pharmacare scheme.  He was minister of Health, family and welfare for a single mandate (ending in 1973), prefering to be a behind-the-scenes government advisor.  He also led La Laurentienne, a large insurance company.  

The health insurance scheme is now 50 years old.  It is generally perceived as universal and free but it excludes immigrants, temporary foreign workers, most care when you are a tourist abroad, tourists here, chronic care, ambulance services, most psychologists and physiotherapy, oxygen, most dental care, reports to third parties like insurance companies, recently available equipment like retina tomography, soft lenses for cataracts, fiberglass casts for broken arms (instead of plaster casts).  There is also a growing tendency for doctors to leave the medicare system and bill patients directly like the Lacroix clinics.  

I am not arguing that our governments should pay all forms of medical care.  It needs to prioritize, fighting tuberculosis first, then providing vaccines to travelers to exotic destinations, then contagious diseases, then wounds and injuries which will get infected or worse if not treated.  To limit expenses, the system first limited billing for visits from the doctor.  The patient is expected to go to the doctor (or hospital for critical care)  Now it is difficult to find a GP so emergency rooms are overcrowded and wait times of 24 hours for non-urgent care are common.  Costs were rising fast so campaigns like a switch to ambulatory care (le virage ambulatoire), the need for a referance from a generalist to see a specialist, administrative bundling of hospitals, re-arrangement of which hospital does what were instituted.  Mr. Castonguay has been a witness of these transformations and he criticized the opposition to any change  as an attack on "sacred cows".  Limits to services can be put by expecting the patient to loose say 20 pounds before a procedure like an operation is performed.  Why are vasectomies covered?  Can we exclude from coverage heart disease, or obstructive pulmonary disease or even cancer?  Mr. Castonguay's answer when he was in old age was "we have to find a new source of financing". That means a new form of taxation!

Before he was elected, Francois Legault suggested the construction of  "homes for the aged" which would be less hospital-like.  The Covid-19 events surprised the governments and demonstrated to Legault that before providing new buildings, he has got to staff existing resources adequately.  The pandemic has strained resources in the health system, delaying operations, for example.  

Mr. Castonguay was an actuary.  In january 1966, the Régie des rentes came into being.  At first it had almost no disbursement and millions of providers.  The system had lots of reserves.  But now, with an aging population, interests rates near 0, Covid uncertainty, government directives that CDPQ fund public transit which has no hope of being profitable, are we headed for the need to cut down annuities?  Or an increase in salary deductions?

Brandon Bernard is executed

 Brandon Bernard paid with his life his association to Christopher Vialva (who was 19 when the crime was committed), Tony Sparks (16), Christopher Lewis(15), and Terry Brown (17).  This group of young Blacks robbed and sequestered Stacie and Todd Baglet, a protestant pastor couple, and locked them in the trunk of their car.  That is when they asked Brandon for help.  Bandon could provide his mother's car for fleeing the crime scene.  The two cars were driven to a desolate place (which turned out to be part of a military base - making it a federal case).  They opened the trumk and Vialva shot and killed Todd.  He also shot Stacie, rendering her unconscious.  Brandon Bernard (who was 18) helped set fire to the Baglet car (with the bodies in the trunk).  The guilty verdict was pronounced in 2000 by a jury of 11 Whites and one Black.  Christopher Vialva was executed on 24 september 2020.  Christopher Lewis and Terry Brown were condemned to 20 years and have been freed.  

Brandon Bernard was in death row in Terre Haute, Indiana.  He counselled youths and was knitting in his 6 x 8 feet cell,  He was lead to a courtyard every day for an hour where hi would play with a basketball alone.  His family visited him once a year.  He was executed on the 10th of december 2020.  President-elect Biden is opposed to the death penalty.

Covid 19

 The Great Barrington declaration is a document proposing less stringent measures to limit covid spreading.  In response to this document, The Lancet published in its 14 october issue the John Snow memorandum to suggest stricter confinement measures.  Read those documents on:

Flu vaccination in Newfounland

 425,500 doses have been ordered by the provincial health authorities for this flu season.  Their goal is to vaccinate 80% of the population.  School clinics will be held and pharmacists will perform injections.  The ministry expects doctors to also provide the service.  But in 2017, the flu vaccination billing code was cancelled so doctors could not be paid for the flu shots they performed.  The goal was to save money by providing vaccines at dedicated clinics.  But those clinics are not practical everywhere on this sparsely populated island and they would have to put in place Covid-19 protocols.  

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Events concerning mental health 2020

 March 2021

10-13 The World Congress of psychiatry in Bangkok, Thailand of the World Psychiatric Association which was to be held in october 2020.

December 2020

The Movement for global Mental Health will aparently NOT hold its meeting which was to be held in Chennai, India on dec. 4 and 5

November 2020

The 6th World Congress of the World Association o Cultural Psychiatry in Rotterdam will take place in 2021

13-14 on-line "Global Mental Health Today and Tomorrow" by Generation Mental Health

10 on-line "In our own voice" by GMH Peer Network

October 2020

12 to 24 Virtual meetings of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent psychiatry, free for medical students and psychiatry residents.  Register now on

10 on-line "in our own voice" by GMH Peer network

8 Low-Beer conference on-line at 7PM using GoogleMeet with Dr Miller from Vermont : 

For other updates, consult : 

September 2020

30 on-line European conference on mental health

25 sept to 27 oct Journees de la culture in Quebec

23 sept to 4 oct. :

My suggestions : 

Paris Stalingrad

Pushout : The criminalization of Black Girls in Schools

One-way ticket

Pour ne plus mourir

Vision portraits

The Valley

The last tree

Burning light

No individual tickets, on-line passports at 49$, most films can be viewed in Canada only. in French or in English only.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

378,400 patients left hospital emergency without seeing a doctor this year!

 IEDM (l'institut économique de Montréal) published a studyin january 2020 of why more than 1000 patients a day leave emergency admission without being treated.  Waiting more than 4 months for not urgent surgeryis the case of 18 % of surgeries in Canada, 3% in the United States, 6 % in Switzerland and 0% in Germany!  The current statistics are much worse because of the Covid 19 pandemic.  

Mario Nelson-Boucher commits suicide

 He had spent 20 years in federal and provincial jails, so it was a difficult case for the NAHA Certer.  He would have needed more supervision than what Jean Brousseau and Sophie Saint-Gelais could provide.  He was sent to hospital twice and each time he was discharged.  He hung himself on June 1st 2016.  Blood samples showed the presence of cannabis, methamphetamines and the antidepressants he was prescribed.  The coroner investigated.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Another death sentence!

 Another Canadian has been condemned to death in China in a matter involving drugs.  Xu Heihong was found guilty of drug manufacture by a tribunal in Canton.  The two other Canadians were Fan Wei (trafficking, in April 2019), and Robert Lloyd Shellenberg.  More details in French at:

Dead after trying to run away from police

 The police was called at 10:15 on July 25 because of an altercation in front of a store.  As municipal police arrived, a 33-years-old ran away.  He was overtaken by police who used pepper spray.   Soon he was unconscious and his death was reported at hospital at 11:30.  The special investigations unit has sent 8 agents.  The Sureté du Québec is also involved.

Ejaz Choudry is killed by police!

 This is the third police incident ending with a death in a few months.  Ejaz Choudry's family asked for help because he was not taking his medication including an anti-psychotic.  The paramedics asked for police help because the 62 years-old had a knife.  Then everything happened fast in the Misssissauga appartment.  The police were shouting instructions in English, a language the victim did not understand.  On April 6, D'Andre Cambell, 26, was killed by police.  In late May, Régis Korchinski-Paquet fell from his balcony on the 26th floor as police was entering his appartment. The Special Investigations Unit is looking into the three incidents.

Legault's follies

 Prohibiting religious signs has ired muslims, sikhs and other minorities.  Taxi drivers face unfair cometition from Uber.  A high frequency train is being planned alongside highway 20 on Montreal island west of the Decarie highway.  Traffic along that corridor is high only at rush hours.  Prolonging the blue subway line east as planned would be done at great expense and benefit few people!

Preston Lockhead's murder is forgotten

 Nine years ago, Preston Lockhead and his roommate Jimmy Dean welcomed two foreiners who claimed that their truck had broken down. They claim to be Americans but speak Russian.  They insist on keeping their ID papers with them.  When Jimmy Dean woke up, the strangers were gone and Preston Lockhead was dead, with obvious signs of violence.  Dr. Evan Matches' autopsy report concludes he died of a heart condition.  The police and the justice ministry abandon the cause, to the surprise of the widow, Sally Wheeler.  Two years later, a review of the autopsy by 3 pathologists concludes he was strangled. The justice ministry was informed of the new report but it appears they never sent a copy to the police.  A review of 14 cases by the Alberta college of physicians and surgeons concludes that 13 conclusions were unreasonable!

Dr. Matches has moved to Alberquerque and he is suing the Alberta for 30,000,000 $.  The link for more details is:

An other Court delay

 On June 16, 1914, teenager Prashant Tiwari asked for help.  Ten days later he was dead in hospital.  His father, Rakesh Tiwari is suing Brampton hospital claiming 12,500,000 $.  On the 8th of January 2020, when the case was to be heard, Surprise!  no courtroom is available until at least 2021!

Steven Rigby's mother calls for an enquiry

 Steven Rigby's death is the consequence of an overburdened  and powerless mental health system.  The first psychiatrist who saw Steven called for hospitalisation at the Dubé Center for Mental Health in Saskatoon.  An other psychiatrist dehospitalised him two days later.  That is when he threatened policemen.  They shot him and his death was certified in hospital on december 22, 2019.  His mother, Karey Rigby-Wilcox calls for a coroner or a juditial inquiry.

Acquited of a murder charge!

 Mitra Javanmardi, who has been practicing naturopaty for more than twenty years, injected nutrients to Mr. Matern, who died as a result.  The solution was contaminated by bacteria.  Judge Louise Villeneuve wrote that the matter was not criminal.  Quebec's Appeal's Court ordered a new trial.  The Supreme Court writes that the Appeal's Court should have considered the experience and training of the accused.  Judge Richard Wagner wrote the minority opinion of the Supreme court wich would have a new trial because the injection was dangerous.  Quebec is one of the 5 provinces which do not regulate alternative medicines.

Corey Rogers dies in police custody

 Police constables Dan Forest and Cheryl Gardner were found guilty of criminal negligence causing the death of the prisoner they were bringing to his cell.  The video recordings shocked the Halifax jury.  He died asphyxiated by a hood.  The video recording is available at:

He killed his brother!

 Robert Dubuc pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter in november 2018 in Montreal.  Richard was sick and weak.  Robert spend several months in prison; he won't have to go back but he will be under probation for 3 years and he must do 240 hours of community service.

Acquited of his father's murder!

 Denis Oland was acquited in july 2019 at his second trial so he is free for the first time in 8 years!  The trial lasted 4 months and the judgment is 146 pages long.  A jury had found him guilty in 2015but the murder of Richard Oland raises more questions than answers.  Blood was splattered all over his office, as you would expect since he was stabbed 46 times.  Dennis Oland's expensive lifestyle was dependent on loans granted by his father ( including 500,000 $ for his divorce) .  Richard Oland would have been ready to grant an additionnal loan if it were guaranteed by a mortgage on Denis's house.  But that house was already mortgaged - a fact Richard didn't know.  Denis proved he was shopping at the time of the murder.  Judge Morisson (of the Court of Queen's bench of New Brunswick concludes there is a reasonable doubt of Denis's guilt.  The full judgement is available on

Keith Raniere of NXIUM found guilty

 He was accused of racketeering, of  forcing women into sexual slavery and insufficient food, of  imposing abortions and tattoos and other crimes.  NXIUM was founded in 1998 near Albany, NYand was offering "personnal growth courses". In reality it was a cult.  Besides Keith Raniere, other founders were Nancy Salzman, actor Allison Mack, and sisters Sara and Clare Bronfman (daughters of Edgar Bronfman Sr. of the Seagram empire) who supplied much money to the cult.  The verdict was rendered on june 19, 2019.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Ex-president Carter claims that 30,000,000,000,000$ have een spoiled!

Speaking on palm sunday (5 april 2019) at Maranatha Baptist church, ex-president Jimmy Carter revealed a discussion he had with president Donald Trump.  To answer Trump's worry about China overtaking the United States, Carter's reply was that China does not participate to any war.  Carter is proud to have normalised diplomatic relations with China 40 years ago.  "The United States is the most pugnacious nation in history because it wants to impose its values in other countries".  China is investing in high speed rail while the US is spending 30,000 billions in military expenditures.  In his speech, Carter did not mention public health care.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Movie "Falling through the cracks : Greg's story"

Greg Price was an engineer who had an abnormal growth in his scrotum.  Later, he experiences an occasional pain in his back.  After a number of examinations, he gets operated for testicular cancer and he has concerns over an abnormal mass near his vena cava in his back.  He dies 3 days after his testicular surgery while he was home.  The movie's website is :
What are the new trends in medecine?
Clinics and hospitals can no longer afford staff who answer the phone of the first ring and pamper clients.  The carnet sante Quebec allows a faster path for information.  e-consult gives to doctors an efficient and fast access to specialists without going through a referral (which would mean a new appointment a new file and a new exam...).
What can we dream about for the future?
Maybe mobile tomography equipment for X-rays and scans...

Words for a new song

This is an early draft for a song.  Will you finish it and add a tune to it?

Harry, won't you come back home?
Mother's worried sick about you,
Have you taken a boat to Tombouctu?
Are you lost in the streets of Rome?

It is easy to fall to a life of crime,
When you're so poor you ain't got a dime,
you could at least call home,
Have you run out of cash?

Do you think of yourself as an immigrant?
You have no job and no research grant!
It's hard to build credibility
(additiona verse, maybe ending with CITY)

Father expects you to re-appear
The prodigal son belongs here